View Profile r-17

6 Game Reviews

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4\/\/350/\/\3|_¥ 1337!

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Sw33t game!

That's actually pretty impressive; I like the way the ball bobs and weaves, like using the jetpack on a certain N64 game. It definitely plays well, and with a good model you can do a ton of things with it.

You should soup this thing up with some graphics or start making some crazy traps to go along with it. Flypaper, slow moving red blocks, dragons; there's ton of ways it could go. Keep up the good work!

That...was absolutely histerical!

You game is great! The control is challenging, but good because otherwise this could be way too easy. Excellent ending. This is definitely an innovative take on your typical grain-based alien prostelitization thriller.

PlasmicSteve responds:

You said it, R-17!!!

I mean "r".

Domo's War lives on

This game is great, fun, and how could you not dig Domo? I mean, c'mon.

May you find your way to cerulean skies Zach

Greatest flash game ever

LOL - Gotta love the cartoon gore. Go Aliens!!


Man, I guess I don't go for the slightly disturbing stuff. This is good for a chuckle unless you like kill-em-all stuff...

Dimension One is coming! Thoams, Jere & I are at work, and something is brewing. In the meantime though, check out the tunes. Thoams has helped out with a few. More will be on the way soon when school lightens up...

Age 41, Male

Law Student

The U

Salt Lake City

Joined on 2/18/05

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